Flood Coverage

As a Jacksonville Beach resident, you know that close proximity to the ocean means there’s always a chance for water-induced catastrophes. With an office at the beach, Mike Bell Insurance Agency is no stranger to flood coverage and natural disasters. We offer this vital form of protection to our clients so they can feel reassured that they’re prepared.

What Is Flooding?

Flooding is defined as rising water that enters your dwelling from the outside. This can include overbank flooding caused by heavy rain, flash floods, or coastal flooding caused by storm surges. However, flooding does not include damage from an appliance discharging water from malfunctioning plumbing in the home or water entering a dwelling through a breached wall. Thankfully, these latter occurrences are usually covered by homeowner policies.

Flood Insurance Basics

A separate form of coverage is necessary to protect your home against flooding. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is a branch of the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), creates all basic flood insurance policies. You can learn more about the Federal Flood Insurance Program here.

How It Works

FEMA pays insurance companies to write, issue, and administer flood policies, as well as handle any claims for the NFIP. It’s important to understand that the coverage and premiums will be the same, regardless of whose name appears on the policy or whom your premium check is written to.

Concerning Flood Zones

FEMA’s assigned flood zones, which are based on the degree of risk, can influence your flood coverage. Many mortgage companies require borrowers to purchase flood insurance for areas that are deemed hazardous. Surveyors are qualified to assess the hazard levels of particular areas and can provide clients with an elevation certificate. This data can impact your requisite premiums and the type of required coverage you need. Please call us today to further discuss the details to obtain the correct flood coverage for your dwelling.